Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Changes in General Land Use Pattern in Jalna District

Pandurang B. Achole

Abstract :

Very small geographical area of Jalna district is covered by forest during both the period i.e. for 1983–90 and 1997–2004. In 1983–90 (seven years average) nearly 0.74% area was occupied by forest and in last seven years the percentage of forested area was 0.79% in the study region. The land covered by rocks, out crops of hills, plateaus, mountains and deserts etc. is called barren land. Such type of land can be cultivated under any circumstances except at a very high cost. In the period 1983–90 (seven years average) nearly 9.60% area was under fallow land to the total geographical area of Jalna district. In last seven years means 1997–04 the percentage of total fallow land was 8.23% of total geographical area in the study region. Negative change is recorded in fallow land in Jalna (1.37%) district.

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Pandurang B. Achole Changes in General Land Use Pattern in Jalna District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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