Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Chorioangioma, a case report.

Dr Mukti Harne, Dr Sumedha Harne

Abstract :

Background: Chorioangioma is a benign tumour of the placenta consisting of blood vessels and stroma that proliferate beyond normally developing chorionic villi . Aim: need of early diagnosis for better management of mother and child well being. Material & methods:A case of a 25 years old primigravida with 32 weeks of gestation with Ultasoundgraphy showing a placental tumor.The journey from detection to outcome has been emphasized in this report. Conclusion: Incidence of this condition is around 1 %. This type of tumour has no malignant potential.High fetal death in a case of large chorioangioma warrants institutional and timely delivery as seen in our case.Ultrasound including Colour Doppler imaging provides the mainstay for its diagnosis, foetal monitoring and appropriate antenatal management. Result : Though the presentation for this condition may vary but vigilant and prompt action is required to prevent antenatal complication and to ensure the healthy outcome.

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Dr Mukti Harne, Dr Sumedha Harne Chorioangioma, a Case Report. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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