Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018
Clinical presentation of breast cancer patients attending at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipur
T. Dhaneshor Sharma, Arindam Bhaumik, Neeta Sinam, Ronald Reagan Kharbuli, C. Lalrindiki, Ak Sunita Devi
Abstract :
Background: Increasing incidence of east cancer has been a major health problem for women in Manipur. Knowledge of clinical presentation of patients with east cancer may help in planning prevention, screening and treatment of east cancer in this region.
Methods: This is a retrospective case series study on 150 cases of east cancer patients who were registered at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipur during the period from January, 2014 to December, 2016. The data were analyzed using SPSS–21 and results were presented in percentage and simple frequency.
Result: Majority (60.0%) of the patients were in the age group of 31–50 years. The commonest presenting symptoms were painless east lump (90.6%) and the commonest histopathology observed was IDC–NOS (95.3%).
Majority of the patients were in stage II(42.6%), illiterate(56.0%), belonged to Class III socio–economic status(50.0%) and age of menarche in majority of the patients(56%) was in the age group of 10–12 years. 91 patients (63.0%) were post menopausal patients. Maximum numbers of patients (86.6%) were multiparous and had history of east feeding (82.6%) not less than 4 months. 77 patients (51.3%) had normal body mass index(BMI). Only 4 patients (2.6%) had family history of east cancer. Among 140 operable patients, majority of them(50.0%) were both ER and PR negative, expressed 3+ HER–2/neu (48.0%) and had histological grade III tumor (89.2%).
Conclusion: Delay in treatment of east cancer and further increased incidence rate could be minimized in this region by improving the awareness regarding the risk factors, socio–demographic factors and clinical presentation of this leading cancer.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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T.Dhaneshor Sharma, Arindam Bhaumik, Neeta Sinam, Ronald Reagan Kharbuli, C. Lalrindiki, Ak Sunita Devi, Clinical presentation of breast cancer patients attending at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipur, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH :
Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018
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T.Dhaneshor Sharma, Arindam Bhaumik, Neeta Sinam, Ronald Reagan Kharbuli, C. Lalrindiki, Ak Sunita Devi, Clinical presentation of breast cancer patients attending at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipur, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018
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