Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018
Clinical Profile of Ascending Aortic aneurysm: a Retrospective observational study
Dr Kamlesh Jain, Dr Prashant Lakhichand Patil
Abstract :
Background: Ascending aortic aneurysm is common incidental finding on transthoracic echocardiography performed for unrelated indications. Usually seen in patients with underlying connective tissue disorders.
Methods: This was retrospective observational study involving ascending aortic aneurysm patients requiring surgical intervention during the period of Jan 2015 to Jan 2018
Results: Total 30 patients of ascending aortic aneurysm requiring surgical intervention were studied. Males outnumbered females with ratio of 5:1. Their age ranges from 14–72 years (mean=43.6years). Most of the patients of ascending aortic aneurysm also present with aortic regurgitation,43%. Hypertension being the most commonly associated co–morbidity. Bentall’s procedure, 67%, is most commonly needed surgical intervention. Bleeding, 16.67%, is the most common and independent risk factor for mortality with percentage of 26.67%
Conclusion: Bleeding is independent risk factor in ascending aortic surgery and careful application of hemostasis skills can ing down mortality associated with ascending aortic surgery.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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DR KAMLESH JAIN, DR PRASHANT LAKHICHAND PATIL, Clinical Profile of Ascending Aortic aneurysm: a Retrospective observational study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018
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DR KAMLESH JAIN, DR PRASHANT LAKHICHAND PATIL, Clinical Profile of Ascending Aortic aneurysm: a Retrospective observational study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018
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