Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016

clinical profile of meningitis with special reference to correlation of csf parameters with mean duration of hospital stay and developing residual neurological deficit at discharge

Dr B. K. Amin, Dr Jignesh Vanani, Dr Rutul Patel, Dr. Anil Chauhan

Abstract :

 In this clinical study, 50 patients of meningitis were studied for their clinical profile, laboratory parameters, csf analysis & neuroimaging findings. Our present clinical study showed that csf parameters is not only used for etiological diagnosis of meningitis but also that give information about mean duration of hospital stay and developing residual neurological deficit at discharge. INTRODUCTION Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges limited to the subarachnoid space. Meningitis itself can be divided into bacterial, viral which presents more acutely and the granulomatous type which include tubercular and fungal predominantly. Diagnosis of meningitis depends predominantly on cereospinal fluid analysis. The morbidity and mortality due to meningitis still remains very high in spite of advent of newer antibiotics and key to prevent adverse outcome depends on early diagnosis and treatment. This study endeavors to observe the clinical profile of all patients of meningitis and to study the factors having adverse outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS We studied 50 cases of meningitis admitted in medical wards of our institute during september–2013 to october–2015. Our aims and objectives were to study clinical profile of meningitis and to determine the correlation of csf parameters with mean duration of hospital stay and developing residual neurological deficit at discharge. CONCLUSION In this clinical study, 50 patients of meningitis were studied for their clinical profile, laboratory parameters, csf analysis The chance of developing residual neurological deficit and mean duration of hospital stay depends upon raised csf cell count (>5/cumm), raised csf protein (>45 mg/dl), raised csf glucose (>60 mg/dl) and etiology of meningitis. It is concluded that this study highlights importance of csf parameters for etiodiagnosis of meningitis as well as getting the idea of staying in hospital & possibility of developing residual neurological deficit at the time of discharge.

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Dr B.K.Amin, Dr Jignesh Vanani, Dr Rutul Patel, DR. Anil chauhan,clinical profile of meningitis with special reference to correlation of csf parameters with mean duration of hospital stay and developing residual neurological deficit at discharge, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 |December 2016

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