Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

Clinical Study & Etiological Evaluation Of Atrial Fibrillation At Tertiary Care Hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India. (A Study Of 100 Cases)

Dr. D Patel, Dr. A Chavda, Dr. B. I. Goswami

Abstract :

Atrial fiillation(AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia encountered in clinical practice,accounting 1/3 of hospital–admissions for arrhythmia and rate of admissions for AF has risen recently.The principle significance of AF both to patient and healthcare system is fivefold increased risk of embolic stroke.Electrocardiogram confirmed 100 patients of AF were included in this study and evaluated clinically.Incidence of AF in India is significantly high in younger age group and in Female(58%) as compared to Western countries,where AF is more common in old age and in Male(42%).Most common cause of AF is Rheumatic heart disease as compared to Western countries,where IHD is the commonest cause.The average age of patient having RHD developing AF,in India,is 15–20 years earlier than patients from Western countries.Most common complication of AF is Congestive cardiac failure. Most serious complication of AF is Cardio–embolic stroke.Increase in size of Left Atrium in AF is associated with increased risk of Cardio–embolic stroke.Trials have shown reduction in risk,if patients are adequately anticoagulated.

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Dr.D Patel, Dr.A Chavda, DR. B. I. GOSWAMI Clinical Study & Etiological Evaluation Of Atrial Fibrillation At Tertiary Care Hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.(A Study Of 100 Cases) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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