Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Comparative Study of Respiratory Parameters in Savitri Pranayama & Alternate Nostril Breathing Practitioners

Dr. Rajesh Desai, Dr. Kena Jasani

Abstract :

Aim: Present study was undertaken to compare the effect of Savitri Pranayama and Alternate nostril eathing on respiratory parameters. Method: The study groups (group 1&2) consisted of 30 healthy adults doing yoga at the Aum yoga center, Ahmedabad. They were motivated to undergo either Savitri Pranayama or Alternate nostril eathing. 1st phase of reading was taken before commencement of pranayama practice and 2nd phase of reading at the cessation of pranayama practice (12 weeks). Peak Expiratory Flow Rate & Maximum Breathing Capacity were determined by using a digital spirometer. Expiratory pressure and 40 mm endurance test were determined by using a Mercury Manometer. Breath Holding Time was determined by using a stop-watch. Result: There was significant increase in all the respiratory parameters recorded in group 1 and 2 in second phase of reading when compared with first phase respectively. But there was no significant change in second phase of reading between group 1 and 2. Conclusion: It is concluded that respiratory parameters increase with either practice of any one type of Pranayama.

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Dr.Rajesh Desai, Dr.Kena Jasani Comparative Study of Respiratory Parameters in Savitri Pranayama & Alternate Nostril Breathing Practitioners International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013

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