Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Comparison of instrumentation time and cleaning efficacy of manual k–file, rotary protaper universal and rotary protaper next in primary anterior teeth: an in–vitro study

Ashish Rao, Divya Pandya, Soumik Roy, Kanchi Upadhyay, Shilpi Gupta, Amrita Pal

Abstract :



Pulpectomy of primary teeth with severe pulpal involvement is one of the most important concerns in Pediatric Dentistry.Root canal instrumentation is performed with files, reamers, sonic instruments and recently with rotary instruments. Although manual instrumentation is widely used in primary teeth, but they have limitations.The development of nickel titanium alloys and the possibility of changing the traditional design and taper have allowed use of rotary instruments in endodontic treatment.A new generation of NiTi rotary files has been introduced as the Protaper Next.


 The present study aimed to compare the instrumentation time and cleaning efficacy of Protaper Next with rotary Protaper Universal system and manual K file in pediatric endodontics. 

Materials and Methods

An in–vitro experimental study was conducted by injecting Indian ink in a total sample of 60 human single rooted primary anterior teeth. The teeth were randomly divided into three experimental groups, including K–file,ProTaper Universal, Protaper Next and one control group. The root canals were prepared using one of the three file system followed by cleå the teeth with different demineralising solutions.A chronometer was used to calculate the instrumentation time in each root canal and scores were analysed by a steremicroscope. Data analyses were performed using version 21.0 of Statistical Package for Social Sciences.


In the coronal third of root canals cleaning efficacy of K Files and ProTaper Next showed almost similar score.In the middle third of root canals cleaning efficacy scores in two file systems were significantly lower than K files . In the apical third ProTaper Next showed better cleaning efficacy compared to K files and ProTaper Universal Files systems. Difference between the different groups was statistically significant P=0.000(<0.001).


This study showed that the use of Ni–Ti rotary instruments in the pulpectomy of primary anterior teeth represents a promising technique in pediatric patients, thus instrumentation is feasible, offeringtime–saving advantages in root canal preparation.

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Ashish Rao, Divya Pandya, Soumik Roy, Kanchi Upadhyay, Shilpi Gupta, Amrita Pal, Comparison of instrumentation time and cleaning efficacy of manual k–file, rotary protaper universal and rotary protaper next in primary anterior teeth: an in–vitro study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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