Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016
Dr. Nalini Jain, Dr. Rishabh Garg
Abstract :
paucity of conclusive research exists on the optimal design and mode of action of toothushes, leading to the introduction of new generation of toothushes. Ionic toothushes belong to this new generation of toothushes. The aim of the present study was to clinically assess and compare the efficacy of the ionic and manual toothushes. Materials and Methods: A single blind study, using a split–mouth method, was conducted for 45 days on a total of 22 (11 males and 11 females) student volunteers, with age of 17 to 21 years. Plaque, gingival, and bleeding indices were recorded after every 15 days. Results: Both the toothushes showed significant reduction in all three parameters. However, the ionic toothush proved to be more effective than the manual toothush on the percentage basis, the difference in parameters was statistically nonsignificant. Conclusion: It may be concluded from the present study that though the ionic toothush was insignificantly superior to the manual toothush, both the tooth ushes are clinically effective in removing plaque and improving the gingival conditions.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Nalini Jain, Dr. Rishabh Garg COMPARISON OF IONIC AND MANUAL TOOTHBRUSH IN REDUCTION IN PLAQUE AND GINGIVITIS International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 |September 2016
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Dr. Nalini Jain, Dr. Rishabh Garg COMPARISON OF IONIC AND MANUAL TOOTHBRUSH IN REDUCTION IN PLAQUE AND GINGIVITIS International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 |September 2016
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