Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Comparison of the Quality of life (QoL) following reconstructive conduit surgeries(interposition coloplasty vs. gastric pull up) for patients with corrosive strictures of the oesophagus

Bennet Duraisamy, Amarjothi J M V, Amudhan Anbalagan, Kannan D, S. M. Chandramohan

Abstract :

 Background:. The aim of the study is to analyze  and compare the Quality of life (QoL)following  the  two


different reconstructive surgeries  viz.  gastric pull up    and interposition coloplasty   undertaken  for  patients  with


corrosive injuries of the esophagus  at the end of the first post operative month and  year.



Patients and Methods: Between August 2008 and   December 2015 ,   56 patients underwent reconstructive 

surgery for intractable strictures of oesophagus ,of  whom ,   44 patients  were amenable for  regular followup. Of

these patients  , 32  underwent coloplasty and 12 underwent gastric pull up  depending  on  concomitant caustic

involvement of   stomach . The   patients filled   two   questionnaires including  :1) Short form Health survey SF–36

to assess general quality of life2)and a specifically designed ,previously unvalidated   questionnaire which we

believe addresses  the  quality of life in an appropriate social context.This  is a checklist   containing   items 

reflective of patients  general symptoms , reflux related  symptoms,   perceived  weight gain after procedure   ,

perceived   body image  after procedure  and overall social and psychological well being.



Results: At one month duration,  the  mean  of all scales in  SF  36 are low reflective perhaps of the poor  quality

of life perceived by most patients and the  subscales of the SF 36 Questionnaire are not   different when compared

between coloplasty and gastric pull up. At the  one year period,  however , the mean of patients undergoing

coloplasty is  significantly better (p<0.05) when compared to gastric pull up with respect to all subscales of the

SF –36  .

On  analysis of the special questionnaire  at  1 month,,coloplasty patients performed   better with  regard to  most

physical symptoms  . Also, coloplasty patients had significantly less social and mental   impairment when

compared to gastric pull up On  analysis of the special questionnaire  at  1 year , it  was seen that coloplasty

patients perform  better on  most questions relating to physical  and  reflux  symptoms  with  better mental  state ,   

perceived weight gain. And body image .  However, coloplasty patients had   more  self noticeable neck  swelling 

and  the frequent hold up of food  was  still  statistically significant.

Conclusion:. There is   significantly better  QOL reflected  by both the questionnaires for coloplasty patients  at the 

1 year interval when compared  to the gastric pull up  patients ..Though there is  a  theoretical increased risk of leak

in  coloplasty patients, owing to the  increased number of anastomosis when compared  to gastric pull up , they can

be done in experienced centres with minimal morbidity.

In India ,where  concentrated  acid  injury causing corrosive stricture of  the oesophagus with concomitant  stomach

involvement  is very common   than  the West ,coloplasty  may  be the preferred   reconstructive conduit surgery in

the  long term at centres of excellence if the short term  morbidity of coloplasty can be tided over.


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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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BENNET DURAISAMY, AMARJOTHI J M V, AMUDHAN ANBALAGAN, KANNAN D, S.M.CHANDRAMOHAN, Comparison of the Quality of life (QoL) following reconstructive conduit surgeries(interposition coloplasty vs. gastric pull up) for patients with corrosive strictures of the oesophagus, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-8 | AUGUST‾2017

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