Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015
Constructing Secure and Effective Query Services in Cloud Using ACDD Method
J. Sunitha, Mrs. A. M. Sermakani
Abstract :
Cloud computing is the set of computing services over the internet on leased basis. Cloud services allow individuals
and businesses to access their service from anywhere over internet. When the distributor sends the information to the
set of trusted agents, few of the information is leaked. The enterprise data leakage lead the company into unprotected. These data leakage
destroys the customer trust and damages the reputation. The proposed system can identify those parties who are guilty for such cloud leakage even once the data is altered. For this the system will use data allocation ways are also can inject “realistic but fake” information records
improve the identification of cloud leakage. Moreover, data can also be leaked from inside an organization through e-mail.It also uses the skip
merge algorithm to protect the sensitive data from unauthorized access.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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J.Sunitha, Mrs.A.M.Sermakani Constructing Secure and Effective Query Services in Cloud Using Acdd Method International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015
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J.Sunitha, Mrs.A.M.Sermakani Constructing Secure and Effective Query Services in Cloud Using Acdd Method International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015
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