Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014
Contributions of Jayadev to Odissi Music
Mr. Dheeraj Kumar Mohapatra
Abstract :
The quintessence of Odissi music is discerned in the intrinsic vision of the learners and listeners, who repose in Gitagovinda, for its traits like composition, improvisation, raga repertoire, treatment of rhythms and rhymes, usage and genre. Sri Jayadev has not only originated a specific music tradition, systematic form and definite melodic pattern, raga–tala repertoires but also built a socio–cultural community. The purity, sanctity and characteristic features of Odissi music have been enriched, refined and pervaded its horizon through Gitagovinda of Sri Jayadev. We have the first evidence of Odissi music in an articulated and systematic form from the versifications of Gitagovinda. Gita Govindam is best characterized as a dramatic lyrical poem. It is expressed as a cycle of songs interspersed with recitative metrical forms of classical Kavya verses functioning as independent grammatical and esthetic entities. Some of the descriptive verses stand out as exquisite paintings that stand on their own. Some contain dense descriptions and complex ideas. Alamkara or classical ornamentation is used to expand meaning. Alliterations (Anuprasa) and end–rhymes (Ant–AnuprAsa) occur occasionally
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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MR.DHEERAJ KUMAR MOHAPATRA Contributions of Jayadev to Odissi Music International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014
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MR.DHEERAJ KUMAR MOHAPATRA Contributions of Jayadev to Odissi Music International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014
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