Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Coping of Stress among Engineering Teachers

A. Senthil Kumar, Dr. S. Mohan

Abstract :

Teachers of technical institutions in India are experiencing pressures to increase productivity and efficiency at their work places to meet out the expectations of general public, management, students as well as from state and central governments, which creates stress among them. In the field of engineering and technology, there is a significant gap in the study of stress among the teachers. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 478 engineering faculty members with objectives to find out whether colleges adopt coping strategies in an attempt to reduce the stress levels of teachers and the significance of association of such strategies and the stress level. The results revealed that variables such as career development and stress management counseling are associated with level of stress at one per cent significant level.

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A. Senthil Kumar, Dr. S. Mohan Coping of Stress among Engineering Teachers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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