Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Cost Effective Techniques Uses In Modern Construction Projects

S. Deepak, V. A. Shanmugavelu

Abstract :

Housing stress inadequacy is mainly felt by the weaker and low income sections of the society, particularly with the continuous rise in construction costs.  The analysis of town gives the result of 40%–45% of slum population. In future it will grow tremendously. So proper planning of slum should be done by means of rehabilitation.  Initially design of house plans for income groups and economically weaker section is prepared. Cost effective techniques are selected and compared with other conventional techniques. The estimation is prepared for the conventional type and the cost effective technique for the Low income group (LIG), and then the planning module is taken into selected norms

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S.DEEPAK, V.A.SHANMUGAVELU "Cost Effective Techniques Uses In Modern Construction Projects" International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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