Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Cytological and analytical study of pleural, ascitic & pericardial effusions : one year study at Tertiary care Hospital in western Maharashtra.

Dr Amruta Bapurao Jadhav, Dr Aditya Milind Nesargi, Dr Avinash R Joshi, Dr Bageshri P Gogate, Dr Neha D Newadkar

Abstract :


Background : Cytological analyses of  body effusions  plays an important role in the diagnosis of various lesions.

Material & Methods : A retrospective study for one year duration from  Jan 2016 to Dec 2016 was undertaken in the Department of Pathology. It includes all samples of pleural, ascitic & pericardial fluid received in cytology section.

Results : Cytological analysis was done on all 284 cases of effusion fluids. Pleural fluid was the most common type of fluid received followed by peritoneal & pericardial fluids. Maximum number of cases were transudates in nature. 257 cases were non neoplastic & 27 were neoplastic. Adenocarcinoma was the most common morphological pattern.

Conclusion : Cytological study of body fluids is an inexpensive & simple procedure, useful in studying the etiology, course of disease and also to monitor the response to the therapy

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Dr Amruta Bapurao Jadhav, Dr Aditya Milind Nesargi, Dr Avinash R Joshi, Dr Bageshri P Gogate, Dr Neha D Newadkar, Cytological and analytical study of pleural, ascitic & pericardial effusions : one year study at Tertiary care Hospital in western Maharashtra., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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