Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012

Design and Implementation of Goertzel Algorithm for DTMF application on FPGA

V. Siva, Shaik. Saidulu

Abstract :

Dual–tone multi–frequency (DTMF) is a signaling standard in telecom applications that produces two tones simultaneously for each key press. The DTMF tone detection is very crucial block in several telecom based embedded systems. As the current generation embedded systems are looking for key feature of low power, the DTMF detection algorithm also must be implemented with low power schemes. The DTMF detection can be done with FFT based technique which is power consuming type and it requires more hardware. The modified Goertzel algorithm can detect the incoming frequency within a ±1.5% offset range. This algorithm does not check for overflow problems, nor is it a complete detection algorithm. To ensure complete detection, further evaluation of the detected tone in the form of many tests is required. These tests could include twist tests, dynamic tests, guard time tests, signal–to–noise ratio tests, and talk off tests.

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V.Siva, Shaik. Saidulu Design and Implementation of Goertzel Algorithm for DTMF application on FPGA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012

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