Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Design of Ultra Small Low Power High Performance Differential Amplifier Using CMOS in 70nm Technology

Arvind Hardiya, Sheetesh Sad

Abstract :

At present, a high performance analog circuit using low voltage is strongly demanded. The differential amplifier is one of the most versatile circuits used in analog circuit design because of their excellent performance as amplifier and it is used in various applications. In this paper we have simulate a differential amplifier in 70nm CMOS technology which has high gain bandwidth product, low power dissipation. The phase margins, CMRR, output voltage swing are obtained for the circuit. In this paper we propose a new model of differential amplifier for high performance. This circuit is operated at 1.2v supply voltage.

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Arvind Hardiya,Sheetesh Sad Design of Ultra Small Low Power High Performance Differential Amplifier Using CMOS in 70nm Technology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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