Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015
Different Media–Mix Used for Knowledge Gain and Retention of Simple Agricultural Technologies
Manvar V. S, P. K. Wakle, R. R. Chole
Abstract :
Effective communication is the basis of success of any extension programme. Extension agents have much number
of methods available for exchanging information with farmers, research workers and other members of the agricultural system. Different extension teaching methods used, either as single method or combination of methods, the effectiveness to different
extension teaching methods vary. So the study was conducted to know which media-mix treatment is effective in communicating the simple
cotton production technology in nine villages from Parbhani tahsil of Parbhani district of the Maharashtra State. Nine different media-mix
treatments were used in this experiment. It was observed that the lecture + method demonstration + group discussion was the most effective
media- mix treatment in terms of how-to knowledge gain as well as retention by the farmers.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Manvar V. S, P.K.Wakle, R.R.Chole Manvar V. S, P.K.Wakle, R.R.Chole International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015
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Manvar V. S, P.K.Wakle, R.R.Chole Manvar V. S, P.K.Wakle, R.R.Chole International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015
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