Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013
Eco–Club as an Effective Community Participation Tool in Solid Waste Management For Engineering Institutions
Aftab Jahan Begum K. A, Rajesh Gopinath
Abstract :
Bangalore is presently reeling under solid-waste management crisis due to the lack of effective disposal measures and the non-availability of potential sites for newer landfill. The city generates about 3,000 tonnes of solid-waste daily, out of which only about 1,139 tonnes are composted. The remaining are collected by the municipality and dumped in open spaces and on roadsides outside the city. Apart from infrastructural obsolescence, this is due to the lack of awareness and environmental responsibility among public. This problem can be resolved if it’s tackled at the point of generation, by targeting the major source and population contributing to it. In this context, an eco-club can create conservation practices among its engineering fraternity to decamp the waste from the campus. Strategic locations needs to be identified based on the source of waste generation and present disposal means. While new on-site compost pits may be constructed to handle the bio-degradable waste, the plastic wastes ought to be handed over to the authorized recycling units. The eco-club may also additionally propose placement of dustbins at strategic points across the campus and conduct seminars on the ill-effects of unsustainable disposal. The club thereby can suggest measures as to how a college can go about reducing the generation of solid-waste within its premises, so as to present an ideal picture within the stricken Bangalore city.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Aftab Jahan Begum K.A, Rajesh Gopinath Eco-Club as an Effective Community Participation Tool in Solid Waste Management For Engineering Institutions International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013
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Aftab Jahan Begum K.A, Rajesh Gopinath Eco-Club as an Effective Community Participation Tool in Solid Waste Management For Engineering Institutions International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013
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