Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014
Effect of Ct And Tbct on The Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students
Parasurama. D, Dr. S. Srikanta Swamy
Abstract :
The objective of the study is to compare the effect of CT and TBCT on the academic achievement of secondary school students. In this study two equivalent group design is considered. In which group –1 is exposed to Constructivist Teaching (CT) and group–2 is exposed to Technology Based Constructivist Teaching (TBCT). The sample comprised of 156 students studying in IX standard of two schools (Government and Private) of Bangalore city. Researcher identified and collected topics from the school and developed CT and TBCT modules considering 5 E Learning model, Jigsaw and Integration of Technology. Intervention of CT and TBCT carried by engaging the students in Home and Expert group, and students were exposed to knowledge construction activities. Researcher developed the Daily Assessment Sheet (DAS), Unit Test and Post–Test to measure the academic achievement of students. Researcher developed the Achievement test based on the Blue Print and approval from the subject experts, to measure the academic achievement of students. Finally post–test was administered to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. The findings of the study are CT and TBCT intervention helped the students to perform better in post–test, TBCT approach is more effective than CT approachto enhancing the academic achievement of students.CT and TBCT approach have not influenced by the gender in private school whereas only TBCT group was influenced by the gender in government school.
Keywords :
Constructivist Teaching (CT) Technology Based Constructivist Teaching (TBCT) Academic Achiemvent Impact 5 E Model Jigsaw
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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PARASURAMA. D, Dr. S. Srikanta Swamy Effect of Ct And Tbct on The Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014
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PARASURAMA. D, Dr. S. Srikanta Swamy Effect of Ct And Tbct on The Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014
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