Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Effect of Sliding Surface Temperature on the Sliding Wear Behavior of Natural Mineral Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composite

Dr. Sabah Khan

Abstract :

In the present paper the effect of sliding surface temperature on sliding wear behavior of the cast aluminum alloy reinforced with Granite–10 wt.% particle composite has been studied at different applied loads and aasive sizes for different sliding distances. It was noted that the wear rate decreased with sliding distance and approached to a stable value and increased with increase in aasive size and applied load irrespective of the materials. Granite is impervious to weathering from temperature and even from the air borne chemicals. In this work a study has been carried out to observe the effect of temperature rise on the sliding surface at different speeds. In fact the test was conducted at three variable speeds of 1.93, 4.11, and 5.5 m/sec. It was analyzed that the temperature rise during sliding is dependent on magnitude of applied pressure and the duration of test.

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Dr. Sabah Khan Effect of Sliding Surface Temperature on the Sliding Wear Behavior of Natural Mineral Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composite International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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