Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015
Effect of Zinc and Boron on the Growth and Yield of Kinnow Mandarin
M. K. Gurjar, R. A. Kaushik, Prerna Baraily
Abstract :
The investigation was undertaken with a view to determine the “Effect of zinc and boron on the growth and yield of
kinnow mandarin” and results revealed combined application of 0.2 per cent boric acid + 0.5 per cent zinc sulphate at
fruit set and peach size stage of fruit through foliar spray exerted great influence on plant height, tree spread and shoot length. The yield characters i.e. fruit retention , number of fruits plant-1, fruit weight (g), fruit volume (cc), fruit diameter (cm), yield plant-1 (kg) with maximum
yield ha-1 were also recorded paramount with 0.2 per cent boric acid + 0.5 per cent zinc. The foliar application of 0.2 per cent boric acid + 0.5
per cent zinc sulphate at fruit set and peach size stage of fruit effectively increased the leaf zinc and boron level of kinnow mandarin leaves
and ought them from deficient to optimum range.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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M.K. Gurjar, R.A. Kaushik, Prerna Baraily Effect of Zinc and Boron on the Growth and Yield of Kinnow Mandarin International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015
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M.K. Gurjar, R.A. Kaushik, Prerna Baraily Effect of Zinc and Boron on the Growth and Yield of Kinnow Mandarin International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015
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