Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018
Effective debridement and subsequent obturation of tooth with morphoanatomic variations in non syndromic patients– a series of 3 case reports
Dr Afzal Ali, Dr Ratnakar P, Dr Prahlad Saraf, Dr. Ankita Sharma
Abstract :
Taurodontism is a morphoanatomical anomaly of teeth characterised by enlarged pulp chamber with apically displaced pulp chamber floor and furcation.Endodontic treatment of a taurodont is challenging and requires special handling because of proximity and apical displacement of roots. In performing root canal treatment on such teeth, one should appreciate the complexity of the root canal system, canal obliteration and configuration, and the potential for additional root canal systems. Careful exploration of the grooves between all orifices particularly with magnification, use of ultrasonic irrigation; and a modified filling technique are of particular use. This paper presents three case reports on diagnosis and successful endodontic management of hypertaurodontic teeth, in non–syndromic patients.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr Afzal Ali, Dr Ratnakar P, Dr prahlad Saraf, Dr. Ankita Sharma, Effective debridement and subsequent obturation of tooth with morphoanatomic variations in non syndromic patients– a series of 3 case reports, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018
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Dr Afzal Ali, Dr Ratnakar P, Dr prahlad Saraf, Dr. Ankita Sharma, Effective debridement and subsequent obturation of tooth with morphoanatomic variations in non syndromic patients– a series of 3 case reports, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018
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