Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012
Effective Leadership: A Study of Universal Concepts of Indian Scriptures
Dr. Patiraj Kumari, Ms. Vijayshree Sangwan
Abstract :
The advancement and development at various levels have been witnessed by us as a human race over the years due to economic, technological and socio–cultural changes. At an individual level, however, the progress is almost at the same state where it was observed by our great visionary seers years ago. The Rishis of ancient times observed and analyzed meticulously that the internal improvement at the mindset of each individual unit of the society or nation is directly proportionate to the development and proper management of tasks at external level (which includes management of relations, work, varying situations and circumstances, etc.).One’s internal improvement is connected with spirituality. The wisdom based observations of the respected seers emerged out to be the universal concepts or guidelines that are applicable irrespective of the place, situations and time. These concepts are spirituality based. If the development structure is personified by linking the advances at various levels as limbs, it will be found to be without consciousness. This very consciousness in the development structure comes when the improvement in the thinking level of the each individual comes. Any organization–be it a government department, corporate organization, NGO, hospital or educational institution,–depends for growth on the leaders who run it. Leaders play a significant role in shaping and developing the organizations, institutions society and ultimately the nation. Spirituality put into action by these leaders can provide consciousness to these organizations and ultimately to the nation as a whole. This paper explores the universal concepts or guidelines contained in the Indian Scriptures which make a part of the Ancient Sanskrit Literature. These, if applied sincerely by the leaders, will prove to be very beneficial and effective in the management of the Human Resources leading to real development in all the organizations
Keywords :
Spirituality Universal guidelines and concepts individual development effectiveness efficiency and management.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Patiraj Kumari, Ms.Vijayshree Sangwan Effective Leadership: A Study of Universal Concepts of Indian Scriptures International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012
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Dr. Patiraj Kumari, Ms.Vijayshree Sangwan Effective Leadership: A Study of Universal Concepts of Indian Scriptures International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012
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