Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Effectiveness of Distraction Techniques upon Pain among Children receiving immunization.

Dr. R. Shankar Shanmugam, Mr. G. Subramani

Abstract :

 Immunization is a global health priority for every child. The majority of children show behavioral distress to pain while receiving immunization. Aim: To compare the effectiveness of distraction techniques upon pain among children (1–2 years) receiving immunization. Methodology: A quasi –experimental, post–test only control group design was adopted. Based on the inclusion criteria purposive sampling technique was used to select ninety children and equally divided in to three groups. Experimental group I received the distraction technique of sound producing toy, experimental group II received playing of familiar music and where as control group received the routine care. The acute pain observed and scored by using FLACC behavioral pain assessment scale and WongsBaker faces pain rating scale. Results: In Group I, 90 % children had moderate pain and 10% had severe pain. In Group II, 80 % children had moderate pain and 20% had severe pain where as in Group III (control group), nearly half of children (46.7%) had moderate pain and 53.3% had severe pain. Mean pain score in Group I was 10.63, 12.77 in Group II and 15.13 in Group III. The obtained ‘t’ value is 8.49 and 4.49 which is significant at 0.001 level. Conclusion: Hence the percentage difference score was 22.50 in group I and 11.80% in group II reveals that toy distraction technique (group I) was effective than music therapy (Group II) in children receiving immunization.

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Dr.R.Shankar Shanmugam, Mr.G.Subramani Effectiveness of Distraction Techniques upon Pain among Children receiving immunization. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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