Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Effects of Forceplatform Biofeedback versus Mirror Biofeedback on Balance in Stroke patients.

Nural Saba, Md Haider Ali, Nusrat Hamdani, Jayaprakash Jayavelu, Ghazi Sharique Ahmad

Abstract :

Aim: A balance retraining on force platform biofeedback system or mirror biofeedback were used to improve balance in stroke patients. Methodology: The therapy session consisted of 45 minutes of conventional balance exercise

program and an additional 15 to 20 minutes of biofeedback training (1 hour) for group one & two and for group three no additional biofeedback training was given. The therapeutic interventions (exercise + biofeedback) were given 4-5 times a week, 1 time in a day, the total period
was of 4 weeks. Results: The mean values for pre and post intervention of FRT for group one were 13.12+2.10, 24.8+3.35 and 13.06+1.93,
19.68+1.33 for group two respectively, then p value was found to be 0.001. Similarly mean values for pre and post intervention of FRT for group
2 were 13.06+1.93, 19.68+1.33 and 13.37+37, 16.62+2.29 for group 3 respectively, then p value was found to be 0.05. The mean values for pre
and post intervention of FRT for group 1 were 13.12+2.10, 24.8+3.35 and 13.37+37, 16.62+2.29 for group 3 respectively, then p value was found
to be 0.00. Conclusions: There is significant difference between the effectiveness of the forceplatform biofeedback and the mirror biofeedback
for improving balance in stroke patients. Biofeedback provided through forceplates is better for improving balance than mirror biofeedback.

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Nural Saba, Md Haider Ali, Nusrat Hamdani, Jayaprakash Jayavelu, Ghazi Sharique Ahmad Effects of Forceplatform Biofeedback versus Mirror Biofeedback on Balance in Stroke patients. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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