Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Emerging Trends of Urbanization in India: An Inter–State Analysis from 1980 to 2011

Tanjot Singh

Abstract :

The Indian economy has shown many interesting features in trends of urbanization in the last few decades of the

20th century. Although the basic structure has remained the same since independence, however with planned goernmental interventions have made us witness some significant variations in the trends from the past. The economic reforms of 1990s have
had additional impact on the trends and pattern of urban growth. As the country aspires for a new development regime in the coming years,
it makes it imperative to study urbanization and its implication for present and future economic growth of the country. The objective of the
study is to obtain a proper understanding of the emerging trends and pattern of urbanization and analyse the relationship between economic
growth and urbanization in India. For the purpose of the study 24 major states of India across four time frames from 1981 to 2011 have been
examined using regression analysis.

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Tanjot Singh Emerging Trends of Urbanization in India: an Inter–State Analysis from 1980 to 2011 International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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