Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014
Evaluation of MC–CDMA Using Non Adaptive Pre Distortion Algorithm
Priyanka Kabra, Prof. S. C. Mahajan
Abstract :
“Multi–Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC–CDMA) is one of the suitable choice to achieve high data rate for next generation wireless communication system. MC–CDMA is the combination of CDMA and OFDM schemes, resulting into getting the advantages of both the schemes. MC–CDMA is a better technique to improve the performance over multipath links. In this dissertation, Non–adaptive Pre distortion Algorithm technique will be demonstrated to linearise the gain of a High Power Amplifier. Clipping noise is produced in high power amplifier system due to non linear gain. This clipping noise affects the BER of the system. Hence by above technique the gain will be linearised and BER will improve. The performance of BER is evaluated using a MATLAB simulation and the results are promising. The simulation results shows that in proposed system, as increasing the number of subcarriers and number of users, there should be increase in peak to average power ratio (PAPR)”.
Keywords :
MC–CDMA system clipping noise Rayleigh fading channel non adaptive pre distortion algorithm Orthogonal Frequen– cy Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Bit Error Rate (BER) High Power Amplifiers (HPA).
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Priyanka Kabra, Prof. S. C. Mahajan Evaluation of MC-CDMA Using Non
Adaptive Pre Distortion Algorithm International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014
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Priyanka Kabra, Prof. S. C. Mahajan Evaluation of MC-CDMA Using Non Adaptive Pre Distortion Algorithm International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014
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