Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Exploring the Cultural Tourism Potentials in North Eastern Region of India

Dr. Ayekpam Ibemcha Chanu

Abstract :

The basic assumption of the paper is that a sense of national unity, an appreciation of regional diversity, and understanding of the past and present history of the region be well developed while discussing the cultural tourism. The paper is an exploration of cultural tourism potentials in North Eastern Region of India and develops the working definition tourism entrepreneurs and cultural tourism. The paper which is descriptive in nature is based on secondary data. The finding of the paper clearly reveals that the region which is endowed with more than hundred ethnic groups which follow different religions and speak different languages is an exotic place for cultural explorers.

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Dr. Ayekpam Ibemcha Chanu Exploring the Cultural Tourism Potentials in North Eastern Region of India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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