Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015
Niran Fadhil Abdul Jabbar
Abstract :
In this paper a method for measuring flow rate and level of a liquid simultaneously is discussed. The method is based on use of a single laser source (Ne–He Type ) with low power and an AO (A cousto–optic) device, which works as a modulator–deflector (with optical frequency shifting).An ASK (Amplitude shift Keying) single is supplied to the modulator–deflector driver(signal processor )to produce amplitude and frequency shift simultaneously. This AM/deflected laser beam passes through a moving liquid and carries the required information on the level of the liquid (amplitude modulation part) and the flow rate measurement (Deflection or FM modulation part). Heterodyning detection using large area photodetector with nonlinear characteristic is proposed to measure the flow rate of the moving field while large area with linear characteristic photodetector is used to calculate the level of the liquid.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Nanda N, Puneethkumar Flow Rate and Level Measurements Using Modulated Laser Technique International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015
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Nanda N, Puneethkumar Flow Rate and Level Measurements Using Modulated Laser Technique International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015
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