Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Functional Outcomes in tuberculosis of spine including drug resistance tuberculosis of spine

Dr Himanshu M. Dodiya, Dr M. M. Prabhakar

Abstract :

Spinal tuberculosis is most common extra pulmonary menifestion. Spinal tuberculosis causes disability starting from limitation of daily activity to complete disability to patient Due to emergence of development of resistance to first line drugs and some second line drugs, it is very important to diagnose these resistant cases and treat them with sensitive second line drugs and with operative management . In our study ,Patients has been followed up after getting drugs sensitivity testing of individual patient. Each patient was treated with operative and medical management with antitubercular drugs. After 2 year . MDR tuberculosis of spine cases are increasing, patients who are having MDR tuberculosis are given second line drugs for 24 months of duration. As duration of treatment is more in MDR tuberculosis, incidence of side–effects are high.. Most of patients who were diagnosed MDR tuberculosis of spine that have been started second line drugs also had good functional outcomes. Proper medical and surgical management of tuberculosis of spine including drugs resistance tuberculosis can leads to excellent to good outcomes.

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Dr Himanshu M. Dodiya, Dr M.M.Prabhakar Functional Outcomes in tuberculosis of spine including drug resistance tuberculosis of spine International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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