Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Functionality of Intellectual Capital in Banking Sector

Priti Sharma, Rohit Kumar

Abstract :

In today’s scenario, there has been greater focus on Intellectual Capital in the realm of service sector than ever before and it, therefore, requires much more sophisticated management of the same. But for effective management, its measurement is required and which further needs the identification of its typology. In this paper an attempt has been made by the authors to determine the functionality of intellectual capital constituents in banking sector. With the help of this analysis, the researcher has been able to dig out which variable/es played noteworthy role and vice-versa. This facilitates in knowing and detecting to which variable/es should be paid more attention or not in that banking sector in order to excel in the market.

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Priti Sharma, Rohit Kumar Functionality of Intellectual Capital in Banking Sector International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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