Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Generation of Land Cover Map and Ecosystem Map of Bungoh Catchment using Geospatial Tools

Les Met, Gabriel T. N. , Latifah, A. M

Abstract :

Mapping land cover and ecosystem of Bungoh Catchment is essential for a wide range of applications, includingdam development projects and other form of anthropogenic activities. The mapping process is being facilitated with the application of remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS). In this study, classification of forest was performed using the information generated from the data collected during the field work and also from the digitise topographic maps.Four major types of forest ecosystem have been identified and mapped. This includes the primary forest, old secondary forest, young secondary forest and angroforestry.The Landsat TM image, combined to field work were submitted to a supervised classification process in order to produce a land cover and ecosystem map. An accuracy assessment was performed on the map, generating the confusion matrix. The overall classification accuracy for the five types of ecosystem for both the TM image and ecosystem map were established as 87.93% and 86.92% respectively which were sufficient for the delineating of ecosystem types in order to be analysed

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Les Met, Gabriel.T.W, Latifah, A.M Generation of Land Cover Map and Ecosystem Map of Bungoh Catchment using Geospatial Tools International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014

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