Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015
Durairaj S. , Dr. Y. Robinson
Abstract :
Higher Degree Protection of Motor by Using PIC Microcontroller” is an innovative, alternative, effective, efficient and more reliable method of protecting technology of an Electrical motor. This paper describes the design and implementation of this method and possible future improvements in this field. Electrical power consumed by Motor is higher level compå other electrical loads. The motor is play major role in electrical consumer. Generally the motor faults occur due to the Voltage fluctuation, Current fluctuation on electric power input side. To protect the motor monitoring the voltage and current is an important responsibility. Otherwise motor may damaged by means of burning of the coil. It leads other malfunction in the electric power circuit. The new technology based on electronic circuit which operated digital electronic. The logic digital system is an advantage of very fast response. The monitoring and executing the protection system is used with microcontroller. The process can be fed to the computer for data storage and continues reference for future operation. The protection system is implemented and the results are shown in the paper. The scope of this system and possible improvement s are on design also given in this paper.
Keywords :
Protection method using PIC Microcontrollerfor motor current sensor Temperature sensor Current applied voltage. Higher Degree Protection technique (HDP) device. Analogue to digital converter ADC
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Durairaj S., Dr.Y.Robinson Higher Degree Protection Technique of a Motor by Using Pic Microcontroller International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 12 December 2015
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Durairaj S., Dr.Y.Robinson Higher Degree Protection Technique of a Motor by Using Pic Microcontroller International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 12 December 2015
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