Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Impact of Globalization on Human Rights in India

Dr. P. V. Deshmukh

Abstract :

India accepted new economic policy due to economic crises in 1990-91. Globalization Privatization and Liberalization are main dimensions of new economic policy. Since India has changed structural strategy, it took U-turn on the objectives of five year planning. Formation of Socialist state was one of main objectives of Indian planning. There is considerable scope for the development of poor and common man in Socialist state since government intervention is part and parcel of Socialist state to regulate economic activities. Economic status plays pivotal role in human rights. The processes of globalization have been increasing economic inequalities and new social problems in India. Public sector has had a decreasing trend due to the reducing government role in the economy. Market-oriented economy favors the capitalists and reach .The intensity of Poverty, inequality, unemployment, malnutrition, regional imbalances, terrorism, etc. have been increasing in privatization and globalization era. Environmental degradation is a worrying problem due to exploitation of natural resources in the market oriented economy. Scarcity of safety and clean water, hunger, Poverty , inequality, unemployment, malnutrition, corruption etc affect the human’s quality of life and it leads some basic problem regarding human rights. With this background the paper attempts at protecting human rights, combating, cyber revolution and human rights with reference to globalization in India.

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Dr. P. V. Deshmukh Impact of Globalization on Human Rights in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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