Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Inequality of Utilization of Antenatal Care Services among Urban Women in India

Laxmi Kant Prem Prakash

Abstract :

 The present paper examines the level and disparities in the utilization of Antenatal care services (ANC) among  the urban population in India. It also explores the underlying factors associated with low utilization of full antenatal  care. The present paper based on “District Level Health Survey” (DLHS–III) (2008–09) data source. Statistical analysis likes cross tabulations  and logistic regressions have been computed to address the objectives. The age of mother, birth order, still birth and spontaneous abortion,  education, economic status, caste and religion is also significant factors. The very young and older age group mother and higher birth order  belonging mother less utilize ANC. Similarly poor, uneducated, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe and minority population group less  utilize ANC. Therefore, interventions should address younger age groups; poor, uneducated or less educated women in urban areas. Socially  deprived scheduled castes, tribes and minority population groups should also be ought under consideration in the maternal health policy

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Laxmi Kant Prem Prakash Inequality of Utilization of Antenatal Care Services among Urban Women in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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