Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Information Communication Technology (ICT): A Revolution for agriculture

Dr. Arjun Bapurao Waykar, Mr. Yashwant Arjun Waykar

Abstract :

 E–Agriculture is an emerging field focusing on the enhancement of agricultural and rural development through  improved information and communication processes. More specifically, e–Agriculture involves the conceptualization,  design, development, evaluation and application of innovative ways to use information and communication technologies (IT) in the rural  domain, with a primary focus on agriculture. Farmers’ suicides are a matter of significant concern and controversy in India. With the highest number of farmer suicides recorded in the  year 2013, Maharashtra continues to paint a dismal picture on the agrarian front with over 3,000 farmers taking their lives. According to  NCRB data, over 60,000 farmers have killed themselves in the state since 1995. Effective utilization of ICT in agriculture can definitely change the current situation of farmers and also reduce the suicidal rate of farmers.

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Dr.Arjun Bapurao Waykar, Mr.Yashwant Arjun Waykar Information Communication Technology (ICT): A Revolution for agriculture International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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