Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Interactive teaching in anatomy lectures: perspective of 1st professional MBBS students.

Dr. Mritunjay Pandey

Abstract :

 Background: Lectures are the most commonly used method for a large group teaching in medical education. In traditional lectures students are passive receivers of information. Introduction of interactive techniques eak the monotony and increases the interest of the students.

Aims and Objectives: This study was conducted to introduce some interactive teaching methods in Anatomy lectures and to analyse the perception of students towards these lectures.

Material and methods: The present study was carried out on 100 students of 1st professional M.B.B.S. of Major S. D. Singh medical college and hospital, farrukhabad. A number of interactive techniques like pause–procedure, minute papers, think–pair–share technique and role play were introduced in anatomy lectures. The technique was followed for ten lectures and at the end of ten lectures, a questionnaire was given to the students for their feedback.

Results: A total of 92 students (66 males and 26 females) participated in the feedback. The interactive lectures were liked and enjoyed by most of the students in comparison to the traditional lecture method. The overall presentation on the scale of (1–10) of the sessions was rated above 7 by 73.9% of students. Summarisation of lecture during pause–procedure was the most popular interactive technique.

Conclusion: The interactive teaching was found to be more useful in comparison to traditional lectures. Introduction of various interactive techniques during lectures are recommended for active participation, more attention, and motivation of students.

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Dr. Mritunjay Pandey, Interactive teaching in anatomy lectures: perspective of 1st professional MBBS students., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-8 | AUGUST‾2017

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