Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015
Laws of Arterial Pulsation
Dr. Keshaw Kumar
Abstract :
In order to confirm the laws of arterial pulsation created by Keshaw Kumar (1993)1 lumen circumference and wall thickness of ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk and femoral artery was measured 1cm distal to their commencements in 300 human adults during autopsy who had no history of suffering from any cardiovascular disease. The mean thickness of wall in case of ascending aorta was 1.5 mm while in case of pulmonary trunk it was 0.5 mm showing the same ratio which was present between their pulse pressures i.e. 50 mm of Hg in ascending aorta and 17mm of Hg in the pulmonary trunk (Keshaw Kumar 2007)2 . The mean circumference of lumen of ascending aorta was equal to that of pulmonary trunk i.e. 60 mm resembling with the stroke volume of blood i.e. 60 ml. Mean circumference of lumen of femoral artery was 16 mm while its mean thickness of wall equaled with that of pulmonary trunk i.e. 0.5 mm. On the basis of these observations following laws of arterial pulsation created by Keshaw Kumar (1993)1 were confirmed. (1) Pulsatory power of an artery is equal to the pulse pressure multiplied by volume of blood entering the lumen of that artery during each heart beat. (2) Wall (Tunica media) thickness of an artery is directly proportional to the pulsatory power of that artery having 1 mm wall thickness is reported as 2000 Joule per heart beat. (3) Lumen circumference of an artery in millimeters equals with the volume of blood in millilitres entering the lumen of that artery during each heart beat.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Keshaw Kumar Laws of Arterial Pulsation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015
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Dr. Keshaw Kumar Laws of Arterial Pulsation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015
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