Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Medium term results of lateral column shortening along with PMSTR in clubfeet presenting late upto 8 years

Chetan Peshin, Anil Juyal

Abstract :

 Purpose: To evaluate the results of postero–medial soft tissue(PMSTR) release along with lateral column shortening in children having clubfoot presenting late for treatment i.e after age of 4 years.

Methods: Results of lateral column shortening with PMSTR were reviewed in retrospectively in 24 feet of 16  children who were treated in our institution between December 2013 and January 2015. International clubfoot scoring system was used to evaluate the result.

Results: All patients were available for final follow up. The mean pre–operative score was 35. On final follow up 12  feet had excellent, 8 had good and 4 had good scores. There were 2 superficial infections in post–operative period all of which responded well to treatment.

Conclusion: PMSTR along with lateral column shortening procedure for children with CTEV presenting late is a reliable procedure. Though the follow up is ief i.e upto 2 years, there were no relapses, so far. Besides less frequent follow ups are required which is a problem for children presenting in third world countries and especially from remote and inaccessible areas.

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Chetan Peshin, Anil Juyal, Medium term results of lateral column shortening along with PMSTR in clubfeet presenting late upto 8 years, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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