Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Microbiological Examination of Spoiled Foods

Ramprasad D. , Debashish Sahoo, Bhattar Sreedhar

Abstract :

Foods are subject to spoilage by wide variety of microorganisms which include Bacteria, fungi, yeasts. In the present study we have emphasized the spoilage of various fruits ,vegetables and some common food products was done and symptoms were noted. Microorganisms associated with the spoilage were identified by microscopic examination of stained smears in case of each type of foods. Such microorganisms .Such microorganisms were also isolated in pure culture and were used for future studies.

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Ramprasad D., Debashish Sahoo, Bhattar Sreedhar Microbiological Examination of Spoiled Foods International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014

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