Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Mobile User Communication over Wireless Network based on Crypto–Random method

B. Bala Abirami, N. Valli

Abstract :

Mobile communication is a process of sending data, messages, files or speaking over a mobile network. Mobile user (Mu) communicates with other user through Short Message Service (SMS) also. Formal as well as informal information can also send by SMS. Highly secured, confidential SMS messages are transmitted as plaintext between Mobile User and the SMS Center (SMSC), using wireless network. SMS contents are stored in the systems of network operators and can be read by their personnel. Since, the SMS is sent as plaintext, therefore network operators will simply access the content of SMS during the transmission at SMSC. In this paper, a new method called Crypto–Random method is proposed inorder to avoid such hacking. It uses cryptographic techniques on the confidential messages and the intermediate unauthenticated users cannot reveal the original confidential information.

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B.Bala Abirami, N.Valli Mobile User Communication Over Wireless Network Based on Crypto-Random Method International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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