Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016
Dr Sandeep Mahapatra, Dr Anusha Arumalla, Dr Muneer Ahmed Para, Prof Pinjala Ramakrishna
Abstract :
Introduction: Venous disease claim fifty percent of the outpatient disease burden in a government hospital. Materials and methods: We analyzed 142 patients who underwent Modified Trendlenberg procedure for symptomatic varicose veins with or without ulcer for a period of one year. ?e cost benefit analysis was done for the patients undergoing surgery with one year follow up . Results: 98 patients were between 26 to 50 years of productive age group, with majority being in low socio economic status. 85% (120) were men and 56 patients had venous ulcer. High ligation and stripping of the GSV with avulsion of the varicosities was the commonly performed surgery. ?e patients on follow up Doppler show minimal varicosities in calf, with 12 patients requiring sclerotherapy on outpatient basis. All the patients with ulcers (56) had healing of the ulcer with quick return to work.35 patients had minor complications of any sort. Analysis: American venous forum upholds the role of surgery in C2–C3 venous disease. ESCHAR trial and the recommendation of American venous forum for symptomatic venous disease in C4–C6 advocate favourably to the role of venous surgery. ?e endovenous procedures, being effective and less morbid is being favoured worldwide, but the cost still remains a concern for the poor. Conclusion: For the health care providing institutions catering the services for the public in general, trendlenberg surgery still stand as a cost effective procedure of choice for symptomtic venous disease
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr Sandeep Mahapatra, Dr Anusha Arumalla, Dr Muneer Ahmed Para, Prof Pinjala Ramakrishna, MODIFIED TRENDLENBERG SURGERY IN SYMPTOMATIC VENOUS DISEASE , International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016
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Dr Sandeep Mahapatra, Dr Anusha Arumalla, Dr Muneer Ahmed Para, Prof Pinjala Ramakrishna, MODIFIED TRENDLENBERG SURGERY IN SYMPTOMATIC VENOUS DISEASE , International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016
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