Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018
Mucinous Carcinoma in Male Breast - A Rare entity with cytohistological correlation
Narula Aastha, Nain Manupriya, Bahadur Shalini, Sarin Namrata
Abstract :
Carcinomas arising in the male east is a rare occurrence, with a known incidence of only 0.6% of all the reported cases of east carcinomas.
A 36year old male presented with a hard retro–areolar mass in the left east since 6 months. FNAC smears were cellular and showed atypical cells
lying singly as well as in dyscohesive clusters with abundant mucinous material in the background. Cytological diagnosis of Mucinous Carcinoma
of east was suggested and were confirmed onhistopathology.
Male east cancers are rare aggressive lesions reported mainly in the older age groups. It is important to recognize these lesions for
focusedtreatment strategies and an overall improved survival.
This case is being presented due to uncommon nature of tumour presenting at an early age. FNAC is a useful tool for diagnosis with high sensitivity
but histopathology remains gold standard.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Narula Aastha, Nain Manupriya, Bahadur Shalini, Sarin Namrata, Mucinous Carcinoma in Male Breast – A Rare entity with cytohistological correlation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018
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References :
Narula Aastha, Nain Manupriya, Bahadur Shalini, Sarin Namrata, Mucinous Carcinoma in Male Breast – A Rare entity with cytohistological correlation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018
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