Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015

Multifocal Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma: a case report

Dr. Dharmendra Singh, Dr. Rajib Bhattacharjee, Dr. Koushwambi Kar, Dr. Soumen Mukherjee

Abstract :

Extraosseous myxoid chondrosarcoma constitute about 2 % of all chondrosarcomas and are relatively rare. Most common sites involved are extremities, thorax and retroperitoneum. These are biologically similar to high grade sarcomas. Osteoblastic, chondroblastic and fioblastic variants have been described. Here we report a case of extra osseous myxoid chondrosarcoma in a 65 yrs old female who presented with painless mass in her right forearm for last 2 years which was gradually increased in size. We are shå our approach to diagnosis and management of the patient. Best treatment options include surgical resection for localized disease. But here we are dealing with the multiple extra osseous chondrosarcoma which was treated with Anthracycline based systemic therapy

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Dr. Dharmendra Singh, Dr. Rajib Bhattacharjee, Dr. Koushwambi Kar, Dr. Soumen Mukherjee Multifocal Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma: A Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 12 December 2015

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