Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016

Neonatal sepsis caused by a rare pathogen Comamonas terigena in a tertiary care hospital: A case report

Dr. Sujata Lall, Dr. Kiran Griwan, Dr. Manisha Rajian, Dr Uma Choudhary

Abstract :

 Comamonas terigena has been rarely observed as an infectious agent in clinical practice. ?e organism has the low virulence potency and infrequently causes human disease. Comamonas species (previously classified within the Pseudomonas group) have widespread environmental distribution and also survive for a long time in hospital environments. 7?e present case being reported is a one day old neonate who had developed respiratory distress following sepsis caused by this unusual pathogen. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of sepsis caused by C.terrigena being reported from this part of the country. ?ough this organism is difficult to isolate by manual methods which are mostly used by Indian laboratories, the emergence in hospitals strongly suggest the community acquired transmission of this rare organism. Hence stressing on the needs of cleaning and infection control practices to be followed by people outside the hospital settings also

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Dr.Sujata Lall, Dr.Kiran Griwan, Dr.Manisha Rajian, Dr Uma Choudhary, Neonatal sepsis caused by a rare pathogen Comamonas terigena in a tertiary care hospital: A case report, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 |December 2016

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