Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016


Dr. Bijith Balan, Dr. Vikram Shetty, Dr. Latheesh Latheef

Abstract :

 Crush trauma to the extremities, even if not involving vital organs, can be life threatening. In crush syndrome, the systemic manifestation of the eakdown of muscle cells with release of contents into the circulation, leads to metabolic derangement and acute kidney injury. Although common in disaster scenarios, emergency physicians also see the syndrome in patients after motor–vehicle collisions. The systemic manifestations post crush injury are also a matter of concer8 months was n apart from the local injuries which are produced after the trauma. In this case we report a case of a 39 year old gentleman with a crush injury of the left upper limb with ulnar nerve, radial artery and ulnar artery injury who presented to our emergency room. He underwent wound deidement with external fixator application with radial and ulnar artery repair with skin grafting under anaesthesia. On the second sitting three months later, he was taken up for vascularised fibular grafting of the distal radius with T–plate and reconstruction plate fixation. Further wound exploration was done and reconstruction of the flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus with autogeous facia lata graft. Groin flap was also made in this sitting. Release of groin flap was done after one month. The third sitting after eight months was for performing a tenolysis with flexor digitorum profundus of the middle finger transfer to flexor digitorum superficialis of ring finger, with Palmaris longus transfer to flexor digitorum superficial of middle finger. Three months later the patient was reviewed and he was noted to have acceptable range of motion and function of the hand.

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Dr. Bijith Balan, Dr. Vikram Shetty, Dr. Latheesh Latheef NON SALVAGEABLE LIMB INTO SALVAGEABLE LIMB International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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