Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015
Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Consumption Pattern of Milk vs. Cold Drink among Young Adult Female in District Kurukshetra
Dr. Shweta Saini
Abstract :
<p>&nbsp;The establishment of unhealthy habits in early life can lead to greater risk of chronic disease in later life. Young adults are particularly vulnerable for establishing unhealthy habits. Now a day&rsquo;s cold drinks displacing healthier drinks in our diet. Milk and milk products are linked to improved bone health. The major concern about milk and dairy drink consumption is that it provides adequate calcium status during adulthood which is important to reach peak bone mass in later life. No studies were found investigating the relation between milk and cold drink consumption. Keeping the above in mind the present study was planned to determine the nutritional knowledge, attitude and consumption pattern of milk vs. cold drink among young adult female. The study was conducted on sixty young adult females. A self administered designed questionnaire including demographic data and questions measuring knowledge, attitude and consumption pattern of milk vs. cold drink was developed. The questionnaire contains in total twenty questions. The data was presented in percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results revealed that more than half of the subjects (63.33%) prefer cold drink over milk. Majority (70%) of the subjects were aware about the benefits of milk. A casual (81.67%) attitude of the subjects related to cold drink consumption was noticed in the study. Only 26.67 per cent of the respondents seriously wanted change their consumption pattern of cold drink over milk. Drink milk campaigns can be constructed to increase the awareness of young adult females about the side effect of cold drinks on bone and related diseases as well as benefit of milk for achieving longevity and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits.</p>
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Saini S. Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and
Consumption Pattern of Milk Vs. Cold
Drink Among Young Adult Female in
District Kurukshetra International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015
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Saini S. Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Consumption Pattern of Milk Vs. Cold Drink Among Young Adult Female in District Kurukshetra International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015
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