Volume : I, Issue : VII, December - 2012

Outcome in Rheumatic Heart Disease in Pregnancy

Dr. Rohan. A. Modiya, Dr. Shirish. B. Raval, Dr. Seema. S. Khetani

Abstract :

Aims:to study the outcome of rhematic heart disease in pregnancy Method and material: 50 women with rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy were enrolled in the study from outdoor patients and ward detailed history was evaluated ,analysed patients with nyha grade 3 and 4 were admitted at first .all the women were given prophylaxis against infective endocarditis . Conclusion: Advance nyha grade poor outcome but with counselling and explained the patients about their condition and cardiac intervention needed should be done before conception.

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Dr. Rohan.A.Modiya,Dr.Shirish.B.Raval, Dr. Seema.S.Khetani Outcome in Rheumatic Heart Disease in Pregnancy International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012

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