Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014
Overlay Versus Underlay Type I Tympanoplasty with Various Graft Material: A Prospective Study
Dr. Hardik Shah, Dr. Neena Bhalodiya
Abstract :
Objective: To study various graft material properties like their strength, durability, avaibility and acceptability to the host. Comparison of surgical teqnique of myringoplasty onlay v/s underlay in related to heå improvement and graft take up rate. Material and method: Study was conducted in 90 patients and the demographic and clinical data were collected for success rate of type I Tympanoplasty for various graft material and onlay v/s underlay method. Result: In our study the mean average air- bone conduction gap is 28dB. we found that there is 96.66% graft taken up rate for Temporalis fascia and fascia lata, while for tragal perichondrium it is 93.33% and for vein graft it is only 73.33%. We found that out of 40 patients underwent onlay method in 37 patients graft was taken up which is 92.5% while those who underwent underlay method in 46 patients graft was taken up which is 92 %. Conclusion: Type I Tympanoplasty has a high rate of success in closing tympanic memane perforations In case of graft taken up rate and heå improvement. Temporalis fascia, tragal perichondrium and fascia lata have same successes rate. However, the surgeon should do what he/she is most experienced and successful with.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr.Hardik shah, Dr. Neena Bhalodiya Overlay Versus Underlay Type I
Tympanoplasty with Various Graft Material: A Prospective Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014
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Dr.Hardik shah, Dr. Neena Bhalodiya Overlay Versus Underlay Type I Tympanoplasty with Various Graft Material: A Prospective Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014
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